Hey everyone! Thank you for visiting our site. We want to introduce ourselves formally- we are a soon-to-be-married couple from Canada who are passionate about the fur babies in our lives. We have two cats who are sisters named Lola and Luna. When they were over 2 months old, we adopted them from a farm in Northern Alberta. They are now 4! Crazy how fast time goes. They are sweet, cuddly, and energetic girls who love to eat, sleep, and play. Our whole lives we have grown up with cats as pets and we are passionate about sharing our knowledge of how to help them live their best lives! We will be sharing product recommendations (we get a small percentage if you click on the link and buy something we suggest- we appreciate this so much as it helps us better take care of our girls!) We hope that you enjoy our blog and our suggestions on how to best support your kitties!
– Jen and Ronnye